Pillow Talk! (pick the right one for you)
Did You Know?
Pillows were first used in Asia and Egypt by wealthy men to elevate their heads and keep bugs and insects away from their face. These were often made of stone, wood, or metal. Thankf...
Did You Know?
Pillows were first used in Asia and Egypt by wealthy men to elevate their heads and keep bugs and insects away from their face. These were often made of stone, wood, or metal. Thankf...
A prolapsed organ is when a pelvic organ drops from its original place and ends up pushing against or into the walls of the vagina. The organs at fault are the bladder, uterus and/or rectum.
When pregnant your body’s blood volume doubles, which makes you more prone to issues such as swelling or stiffness. Our massage therapist i...
If you struggle with ‘nighttime noshing’ or the ‘midnight munchies’, you’re not alone. In fact, this annoying little habit is by far the most common dietary complaint Susan Macfarlane, Nepean Sports Medicine & Physiothe...
Exercise for women with uncomplicated pregnancies is strongly encouraged. Exercise comes with minimal risk and great benefit. Sedentary women before pregnancy should follow a more gradual progression of exercise, and is...
Ready or Not … It’s Back to School Time!
Our Top 5 Tips to Remember While Picking Out Your Child’s Backpack!
Did you know you should onl...
TMJ = Temporomandibular Joint
TMD = Temporomandibular Dysfunction
What is the problem?
What do you know about flax, chia, or hemp? Wondering why it is hot topic in the nutrition and health world? How are they similar and different?
Find out more by reading Susan Macfarlane, registered dietitian at our siste...